M&D Productions will start it's first ever membership drive. It will start this October and last for about 10 days. So if you have seen any of our shows, (and I know who you are) you just may get a call from one of our agents and they will ask you if you will want to take advantage of our new membership rates. You will also be issued your very own M&D Members card as well. Just show us this at the door and glide right past the rest of the crowd.
We will have several different levels for you to choose from. Pick one that best suits your current theater habit. Our general admission rate hasn't changed from last year and will be
$25.00 for nonmembers per show. So, I encourage EVERYONE to sign up now before the prices goes up.
Here are the 2009 Membership levels:
INDIVIDUAL-1 show- $18.00
REGULAR-2 shows- $36.00
PERFERRED-4 shows-$70.00
SPONSOR-6 shows-$100.00
ANGEL-10 shows-$150.00
ARCHANGEL-16 shows-$250.00
Don't worry! There will still be a student/senior rate. We will just give you a cash refund at the night of the show. I hope you will take advantage of this great offer and I look forward to seeing you at the show.
Mark DeLancey
Managing Director